8 Favorite TV shows!
- House
- Bones
- Bad Girls club (lame but I love to watch them fight)
- ER
- Fringe
- Greys Anatomy
- Stupid Stupid American Idol
8 Things I did yesterday
- was sick
- couldn't talk
- took lunch to miss Sarah
- did homework
- myspaced
- laughed with Andrea that we were home sick
- finished work stuff
- laundry
8 Things I look forward to!
- Sunday with Annie and her fam
- my presentation tomorrow
- finally getting to see Sarah (although I don't know when that is)
- being done with school
- I'm going with Andrea... winning the lotto (it will happen one day in the state that doesn't have them hahaha)
- JULY 25, best day of the year
- the snow to melt and it to be warm
- valentines day being over cause I hate it
8 Favorite Restaurants
- Chili's
- Olive Garden
- Macaroni Grill
- Training Table
- Sizzler
- yeah 6, 7, 8 and no goes... I cant think of any others
8 Things on my wish-list
- To win the lotto!!!
- have a Yorkie
- be done with school
- have all my bills paid off
- Travel the world
- Sky dive
- Own out Audi TT Roadster (black)
- OK OK world peace!!!
Lol.8 People I Tag Ahem. I don't know what tagging is. So tag yourself.