Thursday, March 17, 2011

Boredom is taking over!

1. Do you see your pets as members of your family?
- Heck yes! Milo is the man in my life that never lets me down!

2. To have a dream come true, what would it be?
- To see all my friends and family happy and healthy

3. What would you do with a billion dollars?
- What wouldn’t I do? I would finish school! Travel the world! Live somewhere warm (and move if it ever gets cold). Donate to a charity to find a cure!

4. What helps me when I'm in a bad mood?
- Music, family and friends!

5. What is your bedtime with your kids?
-I don’t have kids, and if I ever do their bedtime will be early (I love my sleep time)!

6. If you are currently in a relationship, how did you meet your significant other.
-my picker is currently disabled!

7. What kind of books do you read?
-whatever I feel like!

8. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
- Finally being done with school! Have a good career!!

9. What's your fear?
-being alone! Moths! Spiders that give you a death rash!

10. Would you give up junk food for the rest of your life to see outer space?
- Um... No! I don’t want to see outer space that much (if you were to ask me if I would give up candy to travel the world, that answer would be yes, no questions asked)!!!

11. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
-go to the bathroom (I think this is what everyone does)

12. If you could change one thing about your significant other, what would it be?
-I don’t think you should change things about your significant other... You are with them for a reason and you should embrace that!

13. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?
-I love that I have a boy name (I haven’t always, but I do now…and I wouldn’t change a thing).

14. If you had to choose between 6 months of sun or 6 months of rain, what would it be?
-This is a no brainer! SUN for sure

15. If you could eat only one food for the next 6 months, what would it be?

16. What is the thing you enjoy about blogging the most?
-I love that I can just say how I feel and type whatever I want… I’m a girl, what can I say, it helps with that emotional thing.

17. Salty or sweet foods?
-Sweet. I don’t like salt very much!

18. What items are in your purse right now?
-the kitchen sink

19. Vacation on the beach or in the mountains?
-The beach for sure!! I live in Utah, and lived on the dot on the mountain for years… I want to see a beach and just lay there in the sun

20. What do you watch on TV you know you shouldn't?
-What do I watch that I shouldn’t? Well I watch American Idol does that count as something I shouldn’t watch?