Saturday, December 13, 2008


So I'm blogging because it snowed and snowed and snowed and well snowed today! I'm home in my jams watching movies cause I cant seem to bring myself to go somewhere in it. I know that there are things that I should have gotten done today but I'm thinking they will just have to wait cause I'm not taking on those roads. I know I will have to on Monday but until then I'm good handing out at home!! Ivy and I took Saij to see Santa today (she drove) it was so cute. She told Santa she wanted an ice cream maker.... ha ha it was cute but funny. The little girl in front of us was friendly and happy the whole time we stood in line and as soon as it was her turn to see Santa she cried and cried and cried. It was rather cute though! Well I just thought I would do a little post about my uneventful day with the snow here in Utah. The countdown to my warmer than Utah Vegas vacation is only 5 days away now. YES!!!!
Well I hope you all enjoyed my anti-snow blog for today!
P.S. I'm so ready for the summer to be back and it is not get dark at 5:pm