Saturday, November 22, 2008


So the time is here!! The time that you get to see your family, friends, and spend money that you probably don't have! Well here is my thing on the Holidays. I love seeing my family and spending time with them. I love going to the parents and hanging out for a good few days, and I love that my mom is the best cook on the planet and it sure comes out during this time of year. It is nice to have some time off to see your family and friends. I have to say though that I am not a fan of the cold. As pretty as this picture of my parents house may be that clearly means that there is snow on the road (which I don't like) and that it is very very VERY cold outside!!!! I think that the snow is so pretty and I wouldn't mind if it snowed all year round as long as it was kinda warm and it just snowed on the grass and not in the roads!! I know that is the strangest thing to ask for but that's what I want hahah! So next week is Turkey day. I'm not making the adventure to the parents because it is going to be bad weather (even though the weather woman... aka my mom seems to think different). I am way sad that I am not going cause I love seeing them and spending time with them.
There is also one more awesome thing that is going on!!! VEGAS!!!!! yay, that is all that I have to say about that. In less than a month Sarah, Amerie, Rhonda, and I will be on the strip loving the warmth! I haven't had a vacation for a while and this is just what I need to get my mind off things.
Well That was my little thought on the holidays I cant wait to see all the lights that come with this time of year. Christmas Street is always the best and I cant wait to see it again this year!

Friday came and I couldnt be more happy!!

OK so I know I know it is time to dish. I went to Twilight on Friday at 10:30 pm with Ivy and what else is there to say but..... EDWARD!!!! So first and for most I want to say that it rocked and I really really enjoyed the movie. I think that so many people went into the movie wanting it to be word for word the book, and it isn't, but that is why I like it. The plot is the same(spoilers are coming if you haven't read it your crazy, but stop here); Bella falls in love with Edward, meets the family, James comes after her, she tries to take him on alone, and the Cullens save her. So yeah you see all of that in the movie! The love, the adventure, the vampires. There are things that are taken out, little details, and things that are added in to give the movie dialogue. So all you haters get over it, it was amazing and I cant wait for the others (keeping my fingers crossed)!!! I must say that there are times when you think.... did that really just happen, or did he really just make that face, but i think it would be hard as an actor/actress to put expressions to some of the things that happen in the book. I think that everyone that reads the book already has an idea of what they want to see, which is what is hard about making a book a movie, but I think overall they did a good job! oh and P.S Robert Pattinson totally grew on me and I think he makes a very good Edward!!!! So overall very happy and am so glad that I went to see it as early on as I did!!! I am totally going to read the book again!

Twilight images
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Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Funny things I do with the Fam

So to get some things going on here, I thought I would share some of the funny things that happen with my family (and trust me there are plenty of these moments with the Williams).

My mom and I are always picture happy haha, this was the most recent one. We had to put our "Hata blockers" on.

My dad knows how to have a good time. In case you didnt know.... he was pretending to be Johnny Cash with my guitar. Ah family parties, nothing beats those.
Pretty much my other half. Andrea is my best friend (and my cousin so we didnt have a choice we had to like eachother). She is always there to listen to my rants.... poor annie she probably doesnt appreciate it as much as I do!!!! But doing laundry with your best pal with Saij in charge of the camera... nothing can beat that!!!!

Carl.... Wow Im nt sure there is much more to say about this picture. We have some of the funest moments ever. To be honest I dont even know what we are going in this picture but she sure can make me laugh

Sunday, November 9, 2008


So since I have decided to tell you a little bit about my self I may as well admit that I am a HUGE Twilight fan and I cant get enough of it. I loved all 4 books and I think that Stephenie Meyer just has a way with words and they are so easy to read. I was so upset when I found out that she is not writing Midnight Sun because I read the first chapter when she posted it to her site. Then the 12 chapters she posted after someone had released them with out her permission (which I will say is the worst thing ever and they should not have been released at that time). Bella and Edward have such chemistry and are amazing together (if only we all had Edwards)! I am stoked to see the Movie 2 Friday's from now and am on her website all the time. So I found this post and ugh I love it. Edward was not my favorite at first and I didn't think that I liked him for the movie, but he is growing on me. I think that Bella was a great pick and it just like she is in the book. I cant wait to see how it all plays out when we get to see the movie!!! Haha my cousin Andrea and I have decided that we are going to road trip to Forks just because we can!!! For anyone reading this that has not read the books I highly recommend them and know that you will love them. So for all you twilighters yay only TWO more weeks until the movie!!!!

There is a first time for everything

So this is my AMAZING family,
picture was taken on 10/25/2008
The Williams!

Wow.. well here I am typing my first blog!! I thought that this would be a good way for people to see what is going on in my life and deal with all the day to day things that I do.

Considering that this is my first post, I thought that I would tell you a little about me so you know why your even looking at this!! My name is Randi Williams, I'm 21 and I am currently living in Salt Lake City to go to school and work. I was born here but then my family relocated us to good old Heber City. I lived there until I was about 19 and then moved back down to Salt Lake so I could get back into school. I have 2 sisters (one older and one younger) and an awesome mom and dad, who I must say I would spend all my time with if they didn't live in stinking Heber! My favorite color has always been pink and I am pretty sure it will remain that forever! I currently work for and I love it there, although it would be nice if the dive was a little shorter. I go to Salt Lake Community College and am going into graphic design (although that major does seem to change a bit cause I am not sure that is really my final choice of what I want to go into). Anyone that knows me would tell you that I love to get out and have a good time and as my mom puts it "I'm always burning the candle at both ends".

If I had to tell you 3 interesting facts about myself this is what I would say.....
1. I love to crochet (scarfs are my favorite)
2. My favorite book is the Twilight Saga
3. I have Italian in me (this is only an interesting fact because looking at me you would never know that I have even a spec of Italian in me).