Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I was tagged (I think)

8 Favorite TV shows!

  1. House
  2. Bones
  3. Bad Girls club (lame but I love to watch them fight)
  4. ER
  5. Fringe
  6. ANTM
  7. Greys Anatomy
  8. Stupid Stupid American Idol

8 Things I did yesterday

  1. was sick
  2. couldn't talk
  3. took lunch to miss Sarah
  4. did homework
  5. myspaced
  6. laughed with Andrea that we were home sick
  7. finished work stuff
  8. laundry

8 Things I look forward to!

  1. Sunday with Annie and her fam
  2. my presentation tomorrow
  3. finally getting to see Sarah (although I don't know when that is)
  4. being done with school
  5. I'm going with Andrea... winning the lotto (it will happen one day in the state that doesn't have them hahaha)
  6. JULY 25, best day of the year
  7. the snow to melt and it to be warm
  8. valentines day being over cause I hate it

8 Favorite Restaurants

  1. Chili's
  2. Olive Garden
  3. Macaroni Grill
  4. Training Table
  5. Sizzler
  6. yeah 6, 7, 8 and no goes... I cant think of any others

8 Things on my wish-list

  1. To win the lotto!!!
  2. have a Yorkie
  3. be done with school
  4. have all my bills paid off
  5. Travel the world
  6. Sky dive
  7. Own out Audi TT Roadster (black)
  8. OK OK world peace!!!

Lol.8 People I Tag Ahem. I don't know what tagging is. So tag yourself.

Valentines Day!!!

So here is my beef with February 14!!! First let me say I'm not ranting about it because I am an unhappy single person. I am not unhappy and I am NOT single. For years I have exchanged valentines and had someone to share this day with. So don't read this and say "oh she is just mad cause she doesn't have someone to share this day with"... I DO! Now that we have established that let me tell you why I don't like it.

So there is a day in the year that we set aside to tell someone how much you love them. How does this make any sense to ANYONE!!! When I am in a relationship with someone I love them everyday not just one day and it shouldn't take a national holiday for me to express that. Now while at work the other day a girl told me "well its because you haven't been married for years, it gets hard once you have been together that long". So what she is telling me is that once I am married I don't have to show my love for someone?? Let me point something out... My parents have been married for like 23 years and my dad still buys my mom flowers just to say "I love you and I'm thinking about you". So if your giving up after only a few I don't know what to tell you!!

"The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas". I would like someone to tell me why this is? Why do we have a day set aside to make sure couples can say "I love you". This day is nothing more than the card and candy industry telling people to buy things and tell their significant other that they care.

What if Valentines Day wasn't around anymore? Would you every buy your special someone a card to tell them you love them? Would you ever think of buying them flowers? Girls out there if your in a relationship with someone that is only buying you something because society says they should, I think you need to step back and ask yourself why am I not getting something just because? The world shouldn't need a holiday to say "I love you". Nor should there be a holiday that has no meaning behind it more than just the card and candy market making money!!

P.S. I do want everyone reading this to know that I am a lovey mushy person, but my point is that we shouldn't need a national holiday to show that!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good Memories!!!

I think it always good to take a few minutes and look back at where you came from it helps you know where your going! Some days you need that more that others.
Mom and dad on the boat! This is pretty much where they spent their summer days!!!! They are so cute I love them more than anything

This is the house I spent the first 12ish years of my life in. Romana Ave!!! My parents fixed it up and sold it to a great couple. Hopefully they will make as many memories in it as we did. Haha my mom always tells me that when I learned to write my name I wrote it ALL over.... including a stool she has at our house in H-Town :)

My Sister and her 2 awesome kids. I love them so much! This picture is a few years old and they have grown so much. Coleby is having girlfriends now, Kaysi is so much taller now.... WOW how times flies. Its hard to look back and see how much things can change in a matter of years.

A lifetime best friend!!! Andrea has always been there, except when she liked that stupid red head girl!!! Haha only she will laugh about that, but no matter what happens she is always there to be my personal therapist and help me through things. Including the day I said good bye high school, hello adult life. Even now I look back on all the things we have been though and cant imagine anyone else I would rather share all the sleepovers and no bakes with!

Friday, January 16, 2009


I also just wanted to point out that this is my scope for the day!!! man only looking forward from here! In case you didn't know I read my horoscope EVERYDAY and pretty much live by it. I know that may be lame but I think they are true!!

Reminiscing about the past is a great way to determine where to go in your future. Get together with old friends or family members today and share your feelings about the past with them. Even if you just send an email off to an old friend with the subject line 'remember when', you'll unlock an important memory that will teach you about who you are now -- and who you want to evolve into. You are on a journey forward, but looking back is not a bad idea.

It was just one of those days!!

So let me start off by saying that this week has been a roller coaster ride to say the least about it!! I am a girl and if your not a girl and for some reason you do not know this girl = many many hormones all the time. So.... Monday Sarah and I went to go see bride wars which was kinda funny, but not as good as i thought it was going to be. Week starting off good so far so there are no complaints...
Then we had Tuesday. Where to even start. I was not in a great mood (blaming the girl hormones here) work was well.... work and although I love my job not the highlight of my day... So I get off work and quickly realize that I am out of just about every bathroom thing you can be out of and need to go to the store. While driving to the store I also realize that I have created a confusing problem in my life.... If you know me well enough you know what this is and I'm not going to get into it at the moment.
Wednesday went by pretty easy. I got my Beatles piano book which was good and then I learned how to play the beginning of Hey Jude. I love the Beatles so this was definitely the best thing that happened all week.
Thursday..... Where to start... Well I guess technically the Thursday story started Wednesday night. I got home and put all my dark clothes in the washer. Well I was so excited about my Beatles book that playing the piano was all I did. I woke up Thursday and got all ready and stood in my room for a minute realizing that I have NO ZERO NOT a single pair of jeans... So I throw some old ones on and call it just one of those days. So I get to work and quickly realize I forgot my badge. Left work and was going to stop to get some fake sun on my way home, but then remembered that I forgot my lotion as well. So I went home and got my lotion and drove back out to 45 S. Oh Secret Beach... The things that happen there. Lets just say I will not tan in bed 3 ever again.... I don't care how good they clean it. Then to top off the whole night I was shaving my legs, and dropped my razor. It hit my leg and created this gushing cut that will not stop bleeding.
Friday: I cant complain today. I have promised myself I will look up today! I'm not going to let the week ruin the weekend! So eh chop it all up to lack of sleep during the week caused all this hahaha!!
P.S. Andrea I know what you mean sometimes the cards aren't right, but don't worry things always get better and your friends and fam (Rin especially) are always here. Plus Henry Rollum needs you to be happy to give him some lovin!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

So I know I took a long time to get this posted but I have been kinda busy lately..... But Vegas was AWESOME!!! I had so much fun and everyday I wish I was back there... Here are some picture highlights!! The eBay machine was freaking awesome... I played it, and won some money. I think it is because I work there hahaha!!!!

We met Tiger Woods while we were there!!! Ok, Ok, Ok, it is not really Tiger, but it is his look alike! His name was Collin, and he was awesome. We ended hanging out with him all weekend and it was so much fun he knew his way around Vegas so there was no traffic!!

The Venitian was so pretty! This is the River that goes through it.

These People are REAL.... They do this dance thing it was so amazing!!! The Picture below is outside on our way to the Wax Museum.... Sarah and I walked around forever and ever looking for it!

Inside the wax museum we met so many people!!!! Johnny Deep (ugh I loved this one). Tim McGraw was fun as well!!! And then Lucy! I love Lucy is one of my favorite shows.

Well There will be more to come... We took so many more pictures, and did so many other things while we were there. I could go on forever about how much I loved it!!!