So this weekend I got the chance to catch up with people that I have not seen since 6th grade. Wow it is amazing how much things have changed, but that these people are so close to my heart! I cant thank them enough for the fun times on Friday!!! It was a blast to catch up, and hopefully stay in touch a lot more than we used to.
On another note I went to see "The Final Destination" in 3D on Saturday. Here is my review:
First it was awesome to see it in 3D.... I was on edge the whole time and jumpy through out the whole thing. I must say though it is NO different then the other ones, people just die in different ways. It was not too long though, I hate movies that they make really long when they don't need to be. So your asking was it worth the money.... YES!!! if your going to go see, then go see it in 3D. it would not be worth it just as a regular movie.
P.S on another note I'm super excited for next Saturday!! I cant wait to see shmev and his bro and kick it listening to some AWESOME music.